The Ultimate Guide To Earn Money By Teaching Online : Earn Money Using Buddhi App

In this lockdown, so many teachers lost their jobs. Online teaching a good source of income now. Not only professional teachers, but anyone who has a good knowledge about any topic, he can teach online and earn a good amount of money.

How to earn money online by teaching on buddhi app

Before starting our topic, lets discuss about buddhi app  by which we will be teaching online. Read this full article to start earning using Buddhi app.

About Buddhi App :

Buddhi App is a Live learning platform, where anyone can learn or teach live.
    Students can Join live classes from home with the best teacher for free or in their budget.
Teachers can Create their course and start live classes for students for free or paid.
  Here teacher can create their tuition and teach from home and earn money. Teachers can create their online brand and students can learn by choosing a teacher from a variety of teachers across the country.

With the BuddhiApp, Teachers can : 

* Teach & Earn from home
* Create a live course
* Plan upcoming lectures or class
* Invite students to join their live class
* Automatically collect the fee payment
* Teach live in online Virtual classroom
* Upload & teach from PPT or PDF
* Write and Draw on digital Whiteboard
* Interact face to face with students
* Share your computer screen
* Chat directly without showing phone numbers

 We have learnt the App and facilites of buddhi app, lets learn how to teach and earn money.

To start teaching on buddhi app and earn money, follow these steps.

1. Download Buddhi App from Paly store.
2. Sign up with your google or facebook account.
How to teach on buddhi app
3. After sign in, give your details like name, mobile no., e-mail etc. Also give your bank details to accept payments.
4 . After complete registration, you will found two options in your dashboard.
          ▪ Learn 
          ▪ Teach
5. If you are a student and want to learn, you can select learn option where you will find number of courses.
6. If you are a teacher, select teach option and then select " start new course".
7. Give details about your course in the box appeared like this.
In course title,write the name of your course. And in course description, write about your course in detail. In this section, describe what you are going to teach.
And then click next botton.
Give the pricing of your course, you can keep it free.
Similarly, complete all the steps carefully.

My recommendation :

1. First create a free course and give some beautiful chapters to your students and then tell them to give your course a five star rating. Of course the will give it if they loved the course.
2. Tell your students or their parents that you are teaching online on Buddhi app and they can attend it for free.
3. After completing first course successfully, start a paid course on a good topic. If your students loved the first course, they will take admission in second course for sure.
NOTE :   You can give promo codes or discount cuopon to your students by using which they can take your course in a dicount price.

Its good to have some students already enrolled in your course. It will encourage other students to take admission in your course. No one will take admission if your course is empty.

Important FAQ's :

Q. How can a student join me?
✔Just create a course and start inviting your students.

Q. How to open the classroom on the web?
✔Go to - and Scan QR from your mobile from the course page.

Q. Can I Start my teaching before any students get enrolled?
✔Yes, you can start your classroom before any students get enrolled. It is a good idea to record your first lecture before any students get enrolled because it will help them to know about your teaching style as they (new students) can watch the 2 minutes preview of your lecture.

Q. How and when will I get paid?
✔You can enter your payment details (Bank or UPI) in a course setting. Once the students get enrolled and you start teaching then you will receive your payout after 1 month or at course end, whichever is minimum. It may take up to 3 days to receive your payment.

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